How did Vinhood came to life?

It is a start-up that offers services in the world of wine, born in February 2016 in Milan. We propose a technological solution easy to use that revolutionizes the way of choosing, thinking and talking about wine.

Vinhood Editors
Vinhood Editors
matteo Parisi intervista

To how many of you happened to stare with a fearful air among the shelves of a supermarket or of a wine shop, looking for the right wine for a romantic dinner organized since a long time, or just to relax yourselves after an intensive day work?

Skimming your fingers on the bottles, we sometimes stopped because we were attracted by a funny or artistic label. But, if graphically it can surprise us, then, thinking about the choice, the label “doesn’t talk” enough, there’s no way to get the taste and above all it doesn’t tell us its wonderful contents.


Wine is a product, but also and above all an emotional product born to be shared. Anyway, today it seems so much fuss, to appreciate it or simply to choose the right bottle.

Italian wine is rich of history, tradition and culture. Maybe an unique heritage that hasn’t been properly expressed to consumer, that often is disoriented in front of a nearly never-ending choice, which he doesn’t understand or he doesn’t know the real differences.

That of wine, is a difficult market characterized by high fragmentation, big concurrence and flattening of the real differences. Everything becomes more difficult if in the choice of the bottle we are not helped by anyone and we trust only in the notoriety of a brand or in the labels design.


In this contest Vinhood project has been developed; we are a start-up that offers services to the world of wine, born in february 2016 in Milan. We propose a technological solution easy to use that revolutionizes the way of choosing, thinking and talking about wine.

Aware that the arm for success is the simplification, we developed a software that works as a virtual sommelier at hand, that doesn’t talk with a difficult lexicon but suggests the ideal wine taking in consideration our personal tastes.

Through a test, scientifically proven by IULM neuromarketing laboratory, the virtual sommelier can understand our taste #Character and can suggest us types of wine or specific bottles for our palate.

Regions of origin, vine varieties and denominations are put aside for the moment, to valorize the taste of wine and the preferences of every person. We propose a funny and unique customer experience; we gave life to a real revolution in communication and in the common dictionary of wine, that often uses non-technical words, but more simple and intuitive.

Easy, isn’t it?! Find out all the #Characters here.